Upcoming Events

You are Invited . . .

The above calendar highlights both in-person and virtual opportunities hosted by Beth's ScrapNFun for both Creative Memories and Forever products & services. I am excited to offer multiple events & activities and to provide scrapnfun across multiple platforms to help you showcase your precious photos, moments & memories!

You will also find events in the calendar for opportunities hosted directly by both Creative Memories and Forever. Registration details will be included in the event descriptions.

In addition, I may share opportunities hosted by other Creative Memories Advisors and/or Forever Ambassadors. There is a wealth of information & creativity being shared virtually. I can not possibly begin to share it all with you, but I can share their links and invite you to join me in attending their events.

The calendar will be fluid, updated and/or changed as events are scheduled and/or as information is available. Registration details are provided within each event's calendar entry; please RSVP.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Hope to see you at an upcoming event!