About Me

It's me! Here I am . . . your All-Things-Photo consultant extraordinaire. Okay, maybe not quite all that, but I do love photos. I do love scrapbooking and I do love helping others! As a Creative Memories Advisor and a Forever Ambassador, I am here to assist!

Creative Memories: I attended my first home class (remember the "triangles in the corner"?) in 1997. It took a couple of years, but I signed my CM consultant agreement in March 1999. I have been with the company through the glory days, the name changes, the re-inventions (some more successful than others), the close-down, the start-up and remain with the newco today (aka, the new glory days)! It's a wonderful company full of amazing people, products, and ideas. CM continues to amaze and to inspire with new innovations, product lines, tools & more!

Forever: My journey as a Forever Ambassador is more recent, joining in August 2023. For years, my experiences with Forever's customer support have been amazing and I have been so happy with the photos & digital books that I have had printed. More recently, I acquired a lot of old photos, other memorabilia and different media; it was a challenge figuring out how to preserve these items, how to organize them and how to be able to share them with family. It hit me - Forever can do all of these things (and more). It was a win-win for me and I thought, "I bet others don't realize how many solutions Forever offers to photo dilemmas" and, thus, I decided to share the solutions by becoming an Ambassador. Forever is an amazing company that perfectly complements my Creative Memories business by offering more opportunities to preserve photos & memories beyond the traditional scrapbook.

Why do I continue to help others with their photo-related goals and dilemmas? Because I love it! I love the amazing friendships I have made & grown through a mutual love of photos & scrapping. The scrapping community is awesome and I love being part of it! I love to see what you create on your layouts & in your albums as well as seeing the milestones of your lives. Don't get me wrong, the satisfaction of completing my own pages & albums is a pretty good feeling, but I love to see what you do! I love answering questions and teaching new tips & techniques. I love encouraging you to challenge yourself. I love offering options to your problems. I cannot wait to see what is next!

Thank you for being a scrappy friend! Thank you for joining me on these amazing Scrapbooking Adventures! And, most of all, thank you for being part of my Creative Memories and Forever businesses!
