**Another form option added - 01/06/25
Happy New Year! Cue the fireworks, the flashes, and the fun!
There is a sense of accomplishment when your list has a place to cross off, make a check-mark or "x" over the box, color in a square, or whatever method you are using to show that you accomplished something. The same principle applies when completing scrapbook page layouts or spending time organizing photos or whatever the scrappy task might be.
Here are a few options to help you track your completed tasks throughout the month and the year. These tracking forms were created by other Creative Memories Advisors with permission to share. You are welcome to adapt the forms to fit your needs. Your tracking sheet, your rules!
Keep track of the number of pages you complete each month. Or track other scrapbooking related activities to see your progress throughout the year. For instance, count your time (whatever timeframe you designate) spent organizing photos (on the computer or printed), preparing for a crop or time to scrap, organizing or re-arranging your scrap space or whatever your task might be. Maybe you track it on the back of your form or maybe you color in a block when you do these activities as if you were completing a page layout. It's up to you!
Happy Scrapping!